Beach Hair Tips

Looking for the perfect summer beach hair?

If this summer, all you want to do is look beach ready, we have got the perfect tips for the best beach hair 101.

First, some of the best tricks to avoid damaged hair is to simply take a multi-vitamin so your hair is looking it's best during the hot months.

Stay Hydrated! Second, make sure you keep those lush waves hydrated. Just like skin, the hair can get dry and damaged from the sun and things like curling irons and straighteners. Once out of the shower, use a leave-in conditioner or even a rehydrating oil serum. 

Don't be knotty! Make sure to brush your hair to remove knots.  Remember to start at the bottom and work your way to the top to avoid paint and pulling. 

Add some texture to your life. To add some texture, we like to combine a leave-in conditioner with a mousse. If you need that little something extra, add some hairspray. 

Getting the wave. Get that perfect, "off the beach" hair by scrunching your hair. It's important that you do this as the hair is drying. Keep working it girl! Maybe you need to flip it around to give it that volume and depth. 

Need to sleep? Don't have time to shower first thing in the mornings? That's okay! Try doing all the same routine but braid your hair at night to give it that appearance of 'beach hair'. 

We hope these tips help you for the summer months and you are looking, 'beach wave ready'. Stay Tanned & Tipsy.